Unveiling the Tips for a Health Coach Side Hustle

Discover How Dane Turned Passion into Profit and Transformed Lives Along the Way

Happy Sunday. This week I had the pleasure of speaking with Dane who runs a side hustle as a health coach. His expertise in this industry has spanned his entire adult life and through his own personal experience has created a profitable avenue to helping other people achieve health and happiness in their life.

A few things you can expect to learn from Dane in this newsletter:

  • The importance of matching your personal interests with your side hustle.

  • Four key lessons he’s learned which you can implement for yourself.

  • When to pivot your side hustle to make vast improvements.

The 5-9 Formula Line Breakk

sunday coffee Health Coach

Can you tell us a little bit about yourself and your business?

My name is Dane, and I'm a health coach who helps busy professionals build strong, pain-free bodies that they're proud of.

I've been an athlete for over a decade and have been coaching others for 4+ years. In that time, I've helped dozens of people to build up their bodies and their confidence - and one thing I've noticed is that many training plans only focus on one type of training: strength training, cardio, or mobility, etc.

Not many coaches do a good job of including all of these harmoniously - which is what I strive to do. I help people do this in 3 ways:

1. My free weekly newsletter, sunday coffee, gives free & actionable tips to improve your health.

2. My paid daily newsletter, Hybrid Health Plan, gives a full and intentional workout every day.

3. 1:1 remote and in-person coaching.

How does your business align with your passions and interests?

I got into coaching because I truly love all things health + wellness, I have since I was little. Something about high performers and people pushing the boundaries of what humans can do has always intrigued me. Healthy people glow differently, and they're always so much kinder and more understanding of the world in my experience.

Here's a quick breakdown of my story:

- Started lifting when I was 15 years old because I was a super skinny kid who wanted to play college football.

- Got into bodybuilding at 18 when I went to college, got certified as a trainer, started a coaching business, and began working with my first clients both in-person and remote.

- After 4 years of bodybuilding and gaining almost 40 pounds of mainly muscle, my body started to take a toll. I was stiffer than I'd ever been, my joints began to hurt, and I suffered a serious high-ankle injury.

- After graduating, I moved out to Denver and reassessed my training. I knew something was off and realized that I hadn't been balanced enough - only prioritizing gaining muscle meant that I didn't do the work necessary to strengthen my joints, my heart, and the rest of my body. I needed a change - and started to prep to run my first Ironman.

- I'm now the strongest and healthiest I've ever been - with a mission to help 10,000+ people build their confidence and strength, while being able to move pain-free and live better lives

What milestones or achievements are you most proud of?

Honestly, nothing makes me prouder than seeing my clients glow up. Helping people be more confident in their own skin, build healthy habits to live a better life, and strengthen their bodies so that they're not constantly stiff and in pain, that's what I'm most proud of.

To give an example, one of my first remote clients was my own mother. She's 65 and was experiencing chronic lower back pain. So, we've worked really hard to strengthen her core and improve her rotational mobility.

Now her lower back is pain free and she has a much better time doing her exercise classes, hiking, and just living life. She's working hard to build muscle so she can improve her health span and be around for a long time. I'm super proud of her, and of the results we've gotten working together. 

What are some key lessons you’ve learned from running your business?

A few key lessons I've learned that I think about often:

- Just start, you'll learn so much along the way.

- The best coaches aren't just knowledgeable and good at programming, that's the easy part. What separates great coaches is their ability to connect with people and make plans that are easy to follow.

- Relationships really are everything, treat your clients like gold because that's what they are. Send them birthday cards, give away free stuff, etc. It's always worth it to go the extra mile.

- Keep learning and getting better, action > everything else.

Have you had to pivot or make changes to your business based on market feedback?

Yep! This is a huge reason I recommend people run free trials in exchange for feedback when starting.

For example, I wasn't sure how to deliver my plans at first. I used Google sheets for a while, but the interface for clients was messy and just overall bad. So, we switched to an app, and people have loved it since. Always listen to your customers - your job is to make it as easy as possible for them to follow the plan.

Where can people find you?

- My website, sunday coffee

- If you're interested in working together 1:1, scheduling click here

- If you're interested in getting a daily workout for $10 a month, click here

- Twitter

- LinkedIn

The 5-9 Formula Line Breakk

🧰 Tools & Resources:

If you’re thinking of starting a side hustle but don’t know where to start, consider using my Side Hustle Starter Guide. I've distilled years of experience and research into a concise, easy-to-follow guide, ensuring you have everything you need to hit the ground running.

This guide is designed to give you the confidence, vision, and motivation to start your own successful side gig.

Check it out here!

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If you want to read some of my previous interviews, you can check them out here.

Thank you all,

See you next week! 👋